It's clear that you understand the values of the CBSA. Hindu priests allowed to avoid female border guards. I like to maintain physical fitness.". If this coworker is letting you know they are going to leave the rest of the team unprepared for their absence and possibly inheriting their workload, this reflects a blatant disregard for the consequences and how it will negatively impact the rest of the team. Today, I can attend this interview with CBSA knowing full well that I earned this interview through hard work and acts of total integrity. I know that I possess your core value of integrity because I do what is right, no matter the alternatives. We hire professional interviewers (people with multiple years of experience interviewing candidates) to help us create our interview questions and write answer examples. So, without compromising your integrity, without compromising the respect you've earned from the rest of the team, nor betraying the trust of the coworker who confided in you, your approach should exhibit integrity, professionalism, and discretion. It illustrates a conviction to learn, grow, and develop that recruiters are usually on the hunt for. This sign can save you a lot of time on the US . It will test your problem-solving skills, and your ability to discern facts from opinions or misunderstandings. Hence, these were not hard decisions to make.". Consider sharing what actions you take to ensure professionalism is maintained at all times. Whenever possible, I recommend adding a qualifying statement at the end of your response. There are more than enough Canadian citizen applicants for the CBSA to go through. It will test your flexibility and your adaptability, and if you adjust your approach and your communication style. This is the trickiest part of the case interview and the main reason candidates fail their case interviews. Lastly, it will test your conscientiousness and reliability, and how consistent you are in your responses, your approach, and your overall handling of the situation. Keeping the big picture in mind, you have to look at the facts presented with this hypothetical situation. A fellow team member's work is not meeting expectations. You will be interviewed twice: once by a CBSA officer (Canada) and. Additionally, they'll be curious what efforts you'll attempt to make to remedy the situation. This way, you will showcase your honestly, your ability to recognize your mistake, and the willingness to correct the same all in one stroke. Create a specific and tailored response regarding the ways you'll support and encourage their efforts. Your last sentence could use more detail. Was the message you meant to send truly received, or was it lost in translation? "The values are respect, integrity, and professionalism. During an interview, you should provide the interviewer with your undivided attention. I have a quick inquiry that I am extremely eager to find out for sure: I successfully completed the interview component of the process back in April. Walk the interviewer through your approach. A CBSA spokesperson said during the calendar years 2016 to 2018, it investigated 821 allegations of misconduct by agents at all border crossings, of which 615 led to disciplinary action . Our interview questions and answers do not represent any organization, school, or company on our site. How you build and develop your teams should be a reflection of how you have developed your own skills and how we grow in our careers. Whether you read law-related books, follow particular news journals or subscribe to a blog related to law enforcement and security, be sure to show your enthusiasm for building your knowledge base. ', "If I come across misconduct, I would take it seriously, and report it to the immediate manager. These types of interviews are intimidating at best but also can be hard to prepare for. Among the competencies you may be evaluated on in role-play interviews are; developing self, flexibility, problem solving, meeting client needs, communication, teamwork, and self-control and composure. You should absolutely avoid looking at your phone or the clock on the wall. Exhibit passion and enthusiasm to compete for this career opportunity. Take full advantage of any time they give you. The key here is to determine whose personality is getting in the way of every member of the team getting along. Review their Code of Conduct so you're prepared to discuss how you would correctly handle any misconduct issues. For the CBSA, integrity means, 'we exercise our authority in an honest, open, and fair manner. At the end of the role play, they will probably offer you feedback on your performance. Nice start! What factors in this hypothetical scenario did you take into consideration when deciding on your approach? I recommend finishing up your response with a final qualifying sentence. If you are not aware of the overall activities of the CBSA, they provide some stats on their website. This scenario will test your communication skills and your ability to speak non-defensively, objectifying the situation rather than singling out any one person. I genuinely look forward to it.". Since this is testing your responses, you'll want to practice. (SITUATION) As a screening officer, I often see that it is easy to steal items left by passengers. Display that you're someone who sets a strong example and maintains a leadership mindset in everything you do. Detail how your best transferable skills and traits would be considered an asset to CBSA. CBSA would like to know the driving force behind your interest in working within the customs and border protection realm. May 16, 2019 #1 I got a call from cbsa officer and later mailed regarding at interview to discuss my study permit. Paperwork and filing reports can be repetitive and monotonous. It will also serve as an indicator of your EQ and your interpersonal skill level. Use this information to set goals for improving your interviewing skills. Lastly, it will test your communication skills and your ability to speak non-defensively while objectifying the situation. They'll observe your skill level and see how well it matches to how you've presented yourself on your resume, as well as throughout the interview so far. Most people have had a misstep of some sort in their life. Perhaps you could tell a brief story of a time when you changed a situation through your use of empathy. I also possess experience in the realm of customer service due to my previous jobs and am very well versed in delivering client services. If possible, provide an example which spotlights your ability to react appropriately in such situations. Working for the Canada Border Services Agency can be strenuous. Take this opportunity to boast about your merits and talents. On the other hand, let's say your interviewing skills are not the problem. Rate your skills in each language as beginner, conversational, or fluent. So the heart of this question is what action you take versus being less productive through task paralysis. This is the primary reason not to get nervous. "Yes, I'm in great physical shape, and I work out regularly. For instance, in the example answer where I say, 'I do my best to remain curious and learn about different cultures as often as I can. This includes reviewing the relevant history behind the agency. It evaluates your level of integrity and your problem-solving skills, your communication skills. ", "n a democratic country like Canada, people of all races, religions, sexual orientations, and genders should be treated equally, and that's how I plan to support those efforts, never being biased in my decision-making and treating everyone with fairness.". They want to ensure your motives are well aligned with their culture and meet the expectations of the role. If you consider yourself a 'people specialist,' I recommend adding a measurable example of these skills in action. Offer an example of when you put this to the test. Walk your interviewer through the steps you'd take to de-escalate the situation. This scenario will test your communication skills and your ability to speak non-defensively, objectifying the situation. For Situational questions, the recommended approach is to apply the ARC method. We do this by creating interview questions that we think you might be asked. Recently searched locations will be displayed if there is no search query. CBSA was what I wanted, but I can't reapply for at least 2 years. If you've never involved yourself with illegal substances, state that with conviction, and that any associated behavior is against your values, morals, and nature. Be as gracious as possible when receiving your feedback, constructive or negative. It will test your problem-solving skills, and your ability to discern facts from opinions or misunderstandings. So, assume the role you are to perform, even if it doesn't seem related to the role. Canada and the United States have announced that travellers with a conditionally approved NEXUS application will soon have another option to complete the interview process. I understand that CBSA is looking to create a diverse, inclusive, and engaged workforce where diversity is fostered and valued. Or do you fall somewhere in the middle ground, seeking more information before voicing any concerns? You must create your own answers, and be prepared for any interview question in any interview. Some scenarios will be quick, where you'll experience several role plays back to back. Then describe all the considerations that played into the action you would take. Psychological assessment7. Have a question or concern? You will also be scored on how well you interact with the actors, especially on the level of the respect and sensitivity you exhibit concerning race and diversity. Install on multiple computers for self-paced, at-your-convenience training. Too often that very suggestion may have already been tried and failed, inevitably replaced with the very policy you're suggesting replacing. Your idea of showing respect to others is exactly what the world needs :) Your plan to support the CBSA's efforts towards respect is straightforward and will be a strong example to others who observe you at work. (UTE), said in an interview. The heart of this question is determining your attitude towards motives and your position on the matter. They want to make sure you can talk the talk and walk the walk. Being in tune with the state and well being of your team is a hallmark of a good manager. "In my previous job I would always step in to help my coworkers when I would see them struggling or getting overwhelmed with their task. These are good examples of integrity, and it's wonderful that you can observe this behavior and have the mindset to report it, so the dishonesty does not spread. Exhibit your ability to remain professional and composed, regardless of the situation. Ask The Interviewer: Work From Home Edition, Cover Letters are Hard to Write, But This is Why They Matter. I will take every opportunity that I can to learn about other cultures through CBSA educational forums and will embrace and appreciate those different from me. Lastly, depending on how you evaluate a job well done, they'll gain an understanding of your standard and what success looks like to you. So, before disagreeing with your supervisor, you should have a full understanding and appreciation of the tactics they employ to address a 'problem'. Are you the type to object to their approach and assert your own? When you have your pre-employment physical, the doctor typically takes a brief medical history, conducts a basic physical exam, measures blood pressure, conducts lab work, possibly a drug test and sends you on your way. Are you the type to unquestioningly respect the chain of command? "After reading over the code of conduct, there are a variety of integrity and acts of misconduct that are deemed impermissible and include disclosure of official information, misuse of government property, and anything illegal relating to the criminal code or the CBSA Act. Your desire to uphold CBSA's high standards shines through in your response. Therefore, try to decompress and find your confidence before the interview. I've provided a starter for you below. Your answer is very confident! CBSA, as a whole, doesn't require all applicants to be bi-lingual. I enjoyed the environment and getting to interact with people from all over the world. This question is designed to gauge how well you are able to deal with difficult situations when dealing with the public. For instance, when traveling, I immerse myself in the community or culture as much as possible.' Good start! It certainly does take a level-headed individual to remain calm in this type of emotional and straining situation. Ultimately, it is their call to make. (FINAL QUALIFYING STATEMENT) I will never allow myself to commit such actions, and I believe in taking positive action at all times, no matter what temptations may cross my path.". Other times, an implementing an imperfect policy is the best solution available. Go into a private space with a mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say some self-affirmations to yourself. When I came to realize that people in my social circle were engaged in any such activity, I immediately ceased all contact. Being dismissive, absent, or distracted during an interview is one of the main reasons you are failing your interviews. Rather, focus on the interview and the questions being asked . These medical requirements are in place to protect the candidate and everyone they'd serve in this position. A common mistake for an employee to make is to assume why a policy is in place before asking clarifying questions. They will take the information you share and view it as a predictor of what to expect from your performance in the future. One of my strengths is the ability to be empathetic and understanding of the views of others, the conclusions they come to, and their motivation for reaching the decisions they make.". You should feel confident in your abilities and excited to prove your worth. Either way, ask as many clarifying questions as you can to ensure you are in full understanding of the expectations. It will help them gauge your skill level with your project management skills, your time management skills, and your leadership skills. These scenarios falls into similar categories which make them relatable to the role. So, before making any suggestions for improvements, it is necessary to fact gather and explore its potential before approaching your supervisors with your suggestion. Their observations may help you understand how you are perceived and your most significant contributions. Depending on the policies in place, you'll likely need to start an incident report where you'll gather all the client's information. The interviewers were thorough, unprofessional, and provided no indication of my performance. Record your voice and listen for tone, speech-crutches, slang and choice of words. CBSA has clear statements when it comes to the ways they embrace diversity in the workplace and communities. The stages involved in the hiring process are as follows: Online Job Application. ), be upfront about them. Since this is testing your responses, you'll want to practice. The agency looks for candidates who embody these values in principle and conduct at all times. Most of the CBSA's role-play questions will focus on your interpersonal skills and conflict management skills. (ACTION) When I witnessed this particular situation, I(discuss the actions you took in this situation). Software Price: $59.98; Testing . They are curious to see whether you truly explore every avenue when dealing with a challenging person. Consider this when formulating your approach to this situational question. As of Spring 2023, Canadian NEXUS enrollment centres at certain airports will reopen, and passengers will be able to complete their interviews in a two-step process. Stretch your arms up high, stretch your back, and try to make yourself as big as possible. Research and evaluate the role and get in character. To eliminate the confusion caused by multiple agencies, the CBSA was formed. Exude confidence. Firearms safety courses 4. Provide an answer that offers some personal insight, revealing your motivation, and how it aligns with their mission and core values. It will assess your problem-solving skills and your ability to discern facts from opinions or misunderstandings. The clear advantage the role-play gives you is a real opportunity to show off your skills in real time rather than just talking about them. I've provided an example for you below. Adherence to these values is what enables the CBSA to justify its right and privilege to enforce the law and keep Canadians safe.". Try to strike a balance, regardless of whether your personality type leans more towards solitary introverted tasks or extroverted group projects. Provide tangible examples rather than generalizations. For instance, you could tell a brief story of a time when you took the lead on the job, even when it was not an expectation of your role. It also informs you that you can likely predict this isn't the first time nor the last they will conduct themselves in this manner. Firearms safety courses4. I speak Urdu and Punjabi. Lastly, I understand that CBSA conducts community outreach activities in a variety of communities to educate and approach a diverse range of recruits, including unrepresented minority communities. This is especially important when immersed in scenarios surrounding linguistic diversity. Lastly, it will test your conscientiousness and reliability, and how consistent you are in your responses, your approach, and your overall handling of the situation.When entering the situation, try to remain confident and relaxed. It will test your communication skills and your ability to speak non-defensively, objectifying the situation rather than singling out any one person, which is the big challenge here. Not only is this considered disrespectful to the hiring authority, but it reflects the candidate's lack of integrity. They take on major tasks and are regarded as professionals which is something I aspire to. Medical exam8. The AMAN IELTS App gives you fast, limitless access to all of the resources you need to study for your exam - anytime and wherever you choose. The hiring authorities at Canada Border Services Agency would like a detailed breakdown of your training and any other educational experiences related to your career, especially those which are transferable to customs, border control, security, or law enforcement. The competencies you'll be evaluated on are; developing self, flexibility, problem solving, meeting client needs, communication, teamwork, and self-control and composure. A role play interview questions involves a participative scenario where your skills and responses are tested in the present, in real time. Canada Border Services Agency employees must prepare to react swiftly and appropriately during times of global strain. Detail your understanding of the impact this individual's unethical conduct has on the rest of the team. We have a guide on how to answer 'Why should we hire you?' Regardless, I will never commit such actions, and I believe in being positive no matter what may come across my path. You'll be interacting with an actor in the role opposite you, and it is their job to make it tricky for you to navigate. Even if you're not driving a team, you can still demonstrate the qualities of a leader. Most job seekers think the interview is all about themselves. If you have additional questions in regards to the SI process, contact us at our e-mail address of Choose a handful of your strengths which align with the requirements of this job. Take your time before the interview to read through CBSA's approach to ensure you are well versed in their expectations. I rather Ask an Expert Ask a Lawyer Canadian Laws Looking for advice on an Interview with CBSA on the 2nd Ask Your Own Canada Law Question ToLawyer, Lawyer 3,709 Satisfied Customers Lawyer ToLawyer is online now Continue Share this conversation It's our responsibility to uphold the integrity and vows of the CBSA. Amid a significant workload and considerable stress, CBSA needs to see that you will remain a team player who supports every member of their team, officer, and agent around you. As with any behavioral question, it is framed in a way that asks you 'about a time' when you faced a situation in the past. ", This is important, for sure! "I have been guilty of provincial-level offenses (driving-related tickets, for example) and have partaken in marijuana (before it was legalized), MDMA as well non-prescribed Adderall. (RESULT) As a result of my observation and honesty(tell the interviewer the positive result of your actions). But in this scenario, damage control should take precedent, and giving the coworker a heads up could solely serve in giving them time to cover their tracks and dispose of valuable information needed to repair the situation.