There was search strategy & scent theory, First Aid, dog obedience, multiple search tests for both my dog and I, radio comms, evac strategies and techniques, the list goes on and on. My first search dog was an adoption from a work partner; a washed-out gun dog, a sweet, somewhat confused Labrador named Buck. I have to say that I am one of the lucky ones. What a blessing! The blog will be that story of my journey personally along with my husband, John, as we make the move and navigate our life in Italy. While I waited to hear back from my cousins, I worked on our family tree. What I came to realize is that I dont like being cut off from humanity, even though I do enjoy my solitary walks. Lunch plus our granola & powerbars, electrolyte gels kept us going until we reached a local bar at the end of each day. We did get all our stamps required, but our certificate would be mailed to us. Whether its having Italian radio or TV on in the background, listening to YouTube and TedTalks, comprehension will improve. In the central and southern parts of Italy you can find places to live for 400 euro/month or so. But dont get me wrong! I used all the information that Alberto collected along,,, andantenati.san.beniculturali.itfor my research. How did we get from putting our house on the market in May to this point? The last few days, we were able to buy lunches at our accommodations. Our goal was Il Laghetto di Pietra Cernaia, a small lake at the foot of a monstrous rock outcropping. Also the brochure must have been written for a younger age group in regards to difficulties. Whether you need primary care or complex The most recent COVID regulations allowed takeway or outside seating. Not that they asked to see this, but I just felt it was a reassuring measure for them to see the actual family connection. The front room features the sink, medicine cabinet and toilet, with the second room containing a small accordion-style shower. They are water resistant and by giving categories to each bag, I can quickly remove what I need with out having to search and repack. And how are Pierre and Sofie now back from the kennel and acclimating to the new house? I did all the social media & website, handled the bookings, laundry, making up beds, restocking. I believed both Angela and Paola were equally as excited. They include Liguria, Puglia, Rome, Le Marche, Abruzzo, Sicily and more. But at our age retirementwe just didnt need the hassle. WebItaly is beloved by expats, global nomads and retirees. Weve been pushing hard on updates, as we have decided to sell our home here in Roccaspinalveti and move closer to the Adriatic Sea, in turn being closer to my San Salvo cousins. Now these guests were not the norm and we had many wonderful guests, but it was just time for us to move on to another adventure. my telephone bill plus charge for the internet every two months is approximately 120 euros also the charge for cable tv is higher i pay about 50 euros a month most notable difference is in the gas Vasto Italy. Until then wish us safe journey and a spirit of gratitude to enjoy this newly restored freedom. Its situated on the spine of a ridge, and just a few minutes out of town, there are lots of hiking trails and country roads to be discovered. Not always easy, though. I missed all the amazing stories Grandpa Carlo had to share, and now it is too late, sadly to say. Just a very interesting and satisfying day to end our 6-day cammino. Without a professional guide, I took on the responsibility to put this all together. Crispiano Taranto, 24.5km/15.2m. John and Alex just go by end weight and shake their heads at me, but I reveled in it! 3. Just many hours on call and lots of driving ahead. John had been a professional chef for many years, and I worked in customer service and hospitality at a whisky distillery. Even a bit nervous. . Work in progress and completion John primed the old tile in order to prepare for the new tile to adhere. As I have been on hiatus from this blog with the move to Tufillo and recent vacation, I am now focused and ready to share more about life for us here in Abruzzo and our new home. My name is Helene Rosalie Jordan. Through the months of September and October, John and I enjoyed at least one or two hikes together per week. Did we use our insurance to cover? A few houses kept coming up on that list over time and a few I should have crossed off as way too big for just two old retired folks! Forum for Expats Living in Italy on Expat Exchange. I think if we had done this fulltime while we were younger, it may not have been so taxing. I had so missed them all. I wanted to bring this, along with some of my family pictures, to our next visit. Take land navigation.. when I first was introduce to all its complexities, I was certain I was hearing a foreign language. He was extremely helpful, giving me leads on other houses for sale by owners and answering all my questions. All the food we ate during this week of cammino was excellent. He can no longer handle the long hikes, but we do get him out for neighborhood walks and sometimes a short one up the mountain. We talked about the family, compared pictures, saw strong family resemblances between our ancestors and enjoyed coffee and sweets. It is true that many of the younger folks have left these rural towns for the larger cities along the Adriatic coast, but the ties to family are strong and gatherings bring everyone together once again. I also have an app on my phone (View Ranger) for addition location backup. Any thoughts of writing a post for this blog were clouded by the mind-fogging weather. Retire in Bari In regards to backpacks, we are all going with ultralight ones. John Wiankowski chose this town as his home in Belize. You may gather that I was excited when Angela set a date for coffee at her fathers house. It was a perfect match for us. We will have some great stories to share! The climb moderated and we came to the side trail that would take us down to the hermitage San Giovanni allOrfento. We also decided to open a doorway between our two small bedrooms in our home, creating a suite. With my search and rescue background and many hours in the woods on trails as well as off trail, I felt confident that I could manage all the details. We purchased special epoxy tile paint (online from Leroy Merlin supplies) to cover the pink & brown flowered tiles with a cream color, while other original tiles where covered with a stunning faux stone porcelain purchased from same building supply in Gissi. Who would have thought that within two weeks of listing, we would have an offer, and by early June a signed contract. My fathers family was from Naples (Giordano Americanized to Jordan) and my mothers family was from Abruzzo. There are also the friendships made from people youve seen throughout your travels in the SAR community. As John and I are avid trekkers and hikers, we share our excursions with others in the hope that they also will experience the amazing natural gifts of the area. And during this search for my family, John received his Italian citizenship by being married to me (Jure Matrimonii). But first the signs took us through the State Agricultural Technical Institute and its large complex, which included historic gardens and the Masseria (farmhouse) Ferragnano. John and Giacomo are working diligently to finish all the tiling so we can move in early September. The depth and width of the beauty of the Majella is not done justice here. But undaunted, we entered this evocative and challenging valley. This time it was for Cantina di Biffi Vineria con Cucina just a short walk from our rooms. Loads of fun and I encourage you to watch if you enjoy beautiful places to stay and food porn! John opted to watch our packs, as he and I both started this cammino with compromised knees due to recent injuries. There are two hermitages to see today along our route: San Michele Di Lettomanoppello & San Onofrio Di Serramonacesca. And what is this about navigation? Us old folks are happy that we didnt quit but that we enjoyed this wonderful day. The next step was a bit precarious and sensitive. As this was Johns last major project inside, he went to tackle the outside house painting. Once the main kitchen is completed, we will turn the lower one into our dining area. Our two favorites were Ristorante Antiche Mura in Polignano and Gaonas in Martina Franca. The list is long on why we are doing this one and it may be something you will consider for the future or maybe you have already done it. At some point during those years, I found out that I could apply for my Italian citizenship. But our town, or municipality, is relatively large, with mountains, forests, rivers; lots of places to exercise, relax and not see another person. We stopped at a small lovely hamlet; Roccacaramanico, that is slowly repopulating. I am very spoiled with my own personal Tool Man! The length is good for us, just 90 km, so Romeo and Miss Kitty do not have to stay in the kennel too long. Alex did an amazing job skimming along the narrow trail on her belly and entering the small hermitage. We invite guests from all over the world to visit us to experience Roccaspinalveti and the surrounding region. No, I have not forgotten my fathers side of that family. It was amazing. There are definitely parts that I would love to revisit and slow down the pace. Though we are worn out physically and possibly a bit mentally and emotionally as well, we approach the finale with lifted spirits. The B&B Belvedere was cool and tranquil and our meal excellent. Once John completed the hall & kitchen tiling project, he was ready to renovate our master bathroom. So the packing of remaining household items continues. Please humor me as I was in search and rescue in the USA for over 25 year. Four great dogs my friends, my confidants, my fuzzy children.. unforgettable. He and Giacomo make a good team. The desire to move closer to them naturally evolved and it has certainly intensified these past two years with COVID restrictions. Our packs all range in size around 40L. Also, during that time, John was actively involved in helping Giacomo (owner/contractor of our Tufillo house) with finishing the tile work and other projects there so we could move in. Thank you! Bars and restaurants are closed, only allowing takeout (or takeaway as it is called here). hi all i,ll be in abruzzo mar 10 for three weeks hoping to find somewhere to buy for holiday home semi retirement been in building trade years have great practical skills but the beaurocracy of buying ahouse to renovate seems daunting all the websites seem to tell me to definately use a lawyer and geometra but some say not neccessary by all I did the regular route of online sites of a few realtors as well as sites with listings by owners. As you can see, each space had a different tile as do all the rooms on this main floor. We know we are truly home. Did I really want to leave my friends and the mountains of Virginia for a foreign country? After lunch we headed down from the pass in the direction of Caramanico Terme (a famous town here in Abruzzo for their thermal baths). Weather a bit hotter than expected, so were getting earlier starts to our day. Both John and I have lived most of our adult lives out in the countryside and certainly, whether in the US or here in Abruzzo, weve lived the past 20 years with few or no neighbors. Im experimenting with summer weight wool tops, which do not retain odor as other fabrics. Would I do this again not at my age all within 6 days. Pink toilet and bidet were replaced with a white toilet and bidet wand. Four years ago, when we were looking for a house to buy in Abruzzo, our intention was to downsize from our chalet-style home in Virginia and find a country house primarily for just the two of us with one or two guest rooms. John was able to get not only the tile off the lot, but the proper primer, adhesive and grout to insure a successful installation. Our lovely host, Marisa, bubbles with enthusiasm for the love of local foods, the heritage of the area, and the opportunity to chat with guests. The sound of the running water tempted us to enter, but we left the water behind for our first challenge of the cammino Piscia Giumenta: a 100 foot long ledge equipped with a steel rope. So we had three great years, with exceptional ratings by Airbnb & This drive manifested itself in me as a pride of my heritage of being Italian. I not only video chat with my daughter, but catch up with work and my close friends from my tribes there all important to my well being and happiness. Here are some comparisons from when we first saw the house back in November of 2021 and our progress up until today. Todays tappa was a day for wide open spaces and spectacular views. Many of the callouts for searches are at night, as usually the family looks for their missing person during the day, then when unable to locate their family member, they call the local sheriffs office by the evening. Both days had perfect weather, far-reaching views to the Majella and Adriatic, and stirring remains of civilizations and inhabitants long gone. WebNationality: American Welcome to Sulmona For expats living in Abruzzo, there is no better resource than this blog, which provides information about what to get up to in the area. . With fourth and final search dog, Romeo, and our house completed, I returned to K9 Alert for my final active years in SAR. It was a night training. John and I both have strong hospitality backgrounds, with John as a professional chef and I had worked at a B&B as well as Customer Service/Tour guide at Virginia Distillery. But first let me back up a bit and give you some history of my family. To enter this valley, you are asked to register at the park office at the edge of town. I think other workouts are needed to make you stronger and flexible, for sure. Even after six years of living in this beautiful country, John says, I still feel like a kid in a candy store. Were using the lower-level kitchenette as our working kitchen as John assembles the cabinets for the main kitchen and we await gas hookup. WebIf you are looking to connect with Irish expats in Abruzzo, Italy, then this page brings together all the latest expat blogs Abruzzo written by Irish bloggers, any interviews, So we felt it was time to close on a high note and we are very grateful and thankful to the wonderful guests we were able to host. On this cammino, we will travel many miles on secondary roads, so we made certain our feet could handle the hard surfaces as we carried all we would need for the week in our backpacks. An interesting yet very frustrating element that can occur when buying an old house here in Italy, is the determination of ownership of a cantina and/or a stalla (e.g. I found some of my clan (now a part of my tribe) my mothers family. For those of you thinking of moving to rural Italy, and in my limited experience, to Abruzzo, you may need to have a tribe. Our cats, Pierre and Sofie, will have few levels to run up and down as well as a new cat enclosure for the terrace. As original tile had been placed into concrete, there was no easy way to remove it. Though it is not a circular route, and car transporting is necessary, its such a spectacular cammino, how could we not do it! Today was the longest day but beautifully set in forests. Training with the group, traveling long distance, the time commitment and doing statewide searches had to be put on hold for about 5 years. WebIrish Expats In Abruzzo, Italy If you are looking to connect with Irish expats in Abruzzo, Italy, then this page brings together all the latest expat blogs Abruzzo written by Irish bloggers, any interviews, articles and news items we have here at Its been a tough time for everyone, especially when large gatherings amongst family and friends are on hold now. We were ready and Abruzzo Rural Property handled the rest. But for us, it was a new discovery We started (and ended) at SAN PIETRODEGLI ALPINIAROCCASPINALVETI, the small chiesetta (church) on the mountain. So we are preparing for this new adventure in Tufillo. We also chose to stay at B&Bs and hotels instead of camping. Build that tribe! So why, apart from missing my 4 great dogs, would this be important enough to write about? The house has been a restoration project that reflects the artistic talents and expertise of Giacomo Ottaviano (owner/contractor), but upmost the work is from his heart. And it is such a day to experience. I have a lot of researching to do on the Giordano family and hope to start on that soon. I did notice that the hosts were glad to see tourists returning after a long and painful year of Covid. Buck and I, after two years (this is about normal) became an operational team for the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, as eventually my second and fourth dogs, Luce & Romeo. One more river crossing before the hermitage and some slippery rocks took Alex down into the water. There is so much more work I want to do on my family tree, but mostly I just want to enjoy being a part of my Italian family. For those younger than us, we would grant the week would not have been as daunting, but as we three are all in our 60s, with me a few months from 70, it was an eye-opener. The outcome that everyone personally involved were handled fairly and the end result was satisfying ownership of the two cantinas beneath our kitchen and part of the actual structure were legally attached to our purchase. I hope you enjoyed this posting and please let me know if you have any questions about how and why we do what we do here. My tool man, as always, had a plan and the wall is now stable after a lot of cement work. If either my sister or I were nearby, she would answer him in English. My last, dear Romeo, was the best of my best. That is how we found Giacomos house. I planned our week toward the end of October as the weather in Puglia is dry and pleasant normally during this time. The views are stunning, the wind turbines enormous, and a beautiful valley to complete the loop. Roccaspinalveti now has a couple more rentals and B&Bs and we are happy to see this trend in our town. Bursting with history and character, the Huge complements to everyone involved with this cammino, working diligently to make this an outstanding experience! Others went hiking, headed to the beach for the day, went house hunting, and others came to work in the area. We did drop off our pets at the kennel, met up with Alex to ride-share from end town (Serramonacesca) and parked our car for the week. How amazing is that! It has virtually no rainfall and a rustic, easygoing lifestyle. It began with the woods and dogs, both which I were very comfortable with. What a great week. So in this post, I wish to share some of the different facets of preparation; physical fitness, safety, gear, reservations, etc. It is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 8pm, and weekends from 10am to 9pm. But whether or not you do, take it slowly, build your network of close friends both in your native language and locals, and enjoy this walk that you have begun in this amazing country. I will explain that decision in a bit. John finished painting the house and it glowed. 130 km on foot from the Adriatic Sea to the Ionian Sea. We are ready for tomorrow, Castellana Grotte Alberobello, 18+km/11+ miles. Locorotondo Martina Franca, 16+ km /10+ mi. I felt I had to substantiate my claim as a De Felice. We were determined to visit the quieter towns to truly experience Italy, and not the regular tourist stops. Then a shimmy back out to the staircase and great accomplishment goes to her! The people of Abruzzo are just wonderfully friendly people. Paola located her dad, and we had a few wondrous minutes chatting away. Our guests couldnt have been kinder with their reviews! I love my pack and have fiddled with it until I have the straps just right for this load of stuff Ill be carrying. We were ready for some fun! We can dream and make plans in the hope that restrictions will eventually be lifted. But after the month of August, when European holidays end, it got quiet for us. If you move to one of these stunning and very friendly towns, you will be welcomed with open arms. A journey; a bit daunting, a little scary but full of exciting possibilities.Family heritage and just an outright love of Italy and all that encompasses has led us to this exciting beginning. Its important, when walking a cammino with your weeks worth of clothes, etc. We found Giacomos house. We are family we are blood we are Italian together. Its been a tough decision but one we knew would eventually come, just not so soon. I believe now that she said this as it was engrained in her to not look back at the old country but to embrace America. Day 6 has come upon us. Topic posted by jyn. But what is more important than learning the language is that I am feeling part of the human race once more! They could stay with us and have their own apartment with privacy and the dynamite view. The sad outcome of the phone call was that a meeting was not immediately arranged. Recently, his skills in painting and tiling have factored into the updating of our master bathroom, entrance hall and kitchen. I had been actively looking for a volunteer group to join, to give back to the community where I was living in central Virginia. The location gave us plenty of excellent choices for dinner, time to visit the historic center and a good launching point for tomorrows first stage (tappa). We were excited! I was extremely nervous as how could I leave our adult children and elderly mothers behind in the USA. As always, we wish you all good health, a time to find blessings even during these unsettling months, hope for some normality in the New Year, a visit to Abruzzo and maybe even to Roccaspinalveti in 2021. About 18 years into my membership with K9 Alert SAR Dogs, my husband and I were building our home in Nelson County, Virginia. Between the jungle, wildlife, and ever-changing Corozal Bay, I never tire of taking my surroundings in. Of course, you can do this cammino with a tent, but we just needed a vacation with a bit of comfort and pampering. Even during COVID, we stayed open. As I had added an additional 3 miles on to yesterday to get to the B&B Roccamorice, we get a lift to the start of the trail. So, why did we close after just three years if things were going so great? John and I decided to stroll past my cousin Micheles house in the historic district of San Salvo. We opted to tile over the old, which is a very common method here. We wanted the size to be about 1/2 of what we had in Rocca, move-in ready, a small garden would be nice, but most of all we wanted a view. And once we get settled, travel is definitely in the works. With only 10 shy of 1000-strong inhabitants, Schiavi di Abruzzo is just the tonic for a quiet, pleasant retirement location. Bursting with history and character, the town is known for its finely crafted, uniquely decorated stone houses and for some beautiful panoramic views. The three-storey property available here is an excellent getaway. You may find that local families are very tight and there may be some exclusion to you being invited to family events, unless you are directly related or have been close friends for years. WebAmerican Expat Living in Italy - Interview with Alexa Alexa is an American expat living and working in Bologna, Italy. Touring Abruzzo was able to give me a contact name and number of one of my cousins (more like a fifth cousin). Another item I got on board with this time is using dry bags to organize my stuff. We will be certain to return for many a visit! Abruzzo is like that, it does have many national trains, just they go north not across the mountains to Rome. It is undeniable that the figure of the poor hermit Pietro da Morrone who, at the end of 1200 became Pope with the name of Celestino V, belongs, with all his human and religious life, to the identity heritage of the Abruzzo people. WebShe is a city girl with a love of country music. As we found out, most of the hermitages are only open on the weekends, especially so early in the cammino season, so we enjoyed the expansive views, a short respite, before we continued back down and onward to Pacentro. Just a thought. John opened up the narrow doorway between these two rooms with an archway for an elegant look. A true romantic, she is an avid cook and wine British Expat Living in Italy - Interview with Sue. The access point to our next hermitage, San Bartolomeo in Legio, was via a narrow steep descent into a canyon. Just know that there is much not said in this post but experienced. That got us thinking that we would like to live in Italy a few months out of the year after we retired. During this time, I found out that I had cousins from my mothers family living in San Salvo. If you follow any Facebook Abruzzo nature sites, this is the famous hermitage where a belly crawl along a narrow ledge is required to enter the hermitage. Finding a property in the Abruzzo region gives you a perfect passport to some peaceful and tranquil country life. This astounding villa not only provides some amazing views, it's also close to the National Park of the Gran Sasso. At the moment, this property is used as a B&B, so what you do with it is up to you. This town is at the edge of Abruzzo with Molise (the next region south of us) just across the Trigno River. We will keep you posted as things progress with our next exciting adventure. How I miss those times, as we all grew older, moved further apart, and our grandfathers and grandmothers passed away. If you can build your language skills quickly, depending on your age or gift for languages, you will not be stuck at this wall for long. WebCount on spending $200,000 and up for thoseand youll likely still have to invest in some restorationsthough the southern regions offer more bargain options. When you spend so many hours together, whether training or at searches, its inevitable that you come to view your group members as your extended family. Friends dream but reality of a busy life in the US prevented them from coming over. I didnt do a lot of mountain hiking until I was an adult, but the hook had been set. I am thankful that I was able to serve the community of Virginia and very thankful for the gift of my four great dogs. This would be one of my favorite days as the views are long and wide and very green this time of year. A number of ultralight hikers do a spreadsheet with everything broken down in grams to lbs and I just love spreadsheets! Our current favorites are Alessandro Borgheses 4 Ristoranti and Bruno Barbieris 4 hotel. But you will find that a tribe of like speakers (in our case, English) may be necessary for you to develop a social group in your area. Good for me as well as for those dining near us, especially at some of the nicer restaurants. We had many positive reviews and high scores with both and Airbnb. You can snag a home there for between 35,000 to 90,000. What a wonderful discovery. So come prepared to accept this, especially if you are choosing to live in rural Abruzzo. Wed greet our guests across the courtyard, but we all maintained our distance. During this time with NCSO, with Mike Hull, a world renowned Man Tracker and Massie Saunders, local search manager, we formed the local search group, F.I.R.S.T., Fast Initial Response Search Team. Here are a few pictures of the apartment and view. And thank you for the best marked route we have experienced in Italy since moving here over 5 years ago.